Tindie Blog | Game Boy & Flipper Zero

The question seems to quickly be becoming what can’t the Flipper Zero hack? The awesome MALVEKE Game Boy Tools for Flipper Zero adds another target to its ever-growing list. Hacking the Game Boy has been a pastime of many retro gamers for a long time, but the Flipper Zero allows you to interface with the Game Boy in multiple different ways.

First of all, you can insert Game Boy cartridges directly into the MALVEKE. You can read and write to cartridge RAM, and work is progressing on being able to dump the cartridge ROMs directly. This allows you to have all sorts of fun with editing save files, etc. Second, it has two link ports available, so you can communicate with any game that uses the link port and spoof it to send/receive arbitrary data — think “trading” Pokemon, for example.

Third, it can interface with all sorts of Game Boy peripherals. Over the link cable, it can pretend to be a Game Boy printer, allowing you to view and save images taken with the Game Boy. It can also use the Camera as a stream source, which is very cool.

The board has an ESP32 on it, with slots to add NRF24/CC1101 radios and/or a NEO-XM GPS module. So you get extra functionality for your Flipper at the same time! The code and development effort is all open-source, so if you want to roll up your sleeves and help implement new features, you can. With a Flipper Zero connected to a Game Boy, you could do all sorts of crazy things — imagination is your only limit. Consider picking one up as a gift for your favourite neighbourhood hacker!

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