Tindie Blog | Matrix, A rugged 4 Button Macropad

There are many macropads across Tindie, with differing features, and price points. They incorporate a range of interesting features and styles. The Matrix macropad stands out as it just oozes quality in design, construction and functionality.

With its four silicon-clad and RGB backlit buttons the Matrix features a custom PCB encased in a lovely CNC machined aluminium enclosure. Connectivity is via the onboard USB-C connector rated for over 10,000 insertion cycles. The custom PCB looks wonderfully designed and you get the feeling that real care and consideration have gone into the development of this device.

The Matrix runs using the excellent open-source QMK firmware. This means that the Matrix is completely reconfigurable and you can set up the buttons to send any keystroke or combination of keystrokes you like. QMK provides plenty of different lighting effects for the RGB LED or again you can customise the LED interactions to your liking.  QMK can also be set up to send MIDI messages so the Matrix could slip into usage in your home studio as well as your work desk. The QMK firmware onboard is also VIA enabled. VIA is an application that allows you to remap keystrokes on a QMK device without having to recompile and re-flash the entire firmware. VIA is pretty straightforward so we can imagine it becoming second nature to change the Matrix on the fly throughout a work session. If you do do want or need to replace the firmware pressing and holding all four buttons whilst connecting the Matrix causes it to mount as a USB device allowing for drag-and-drop firmware flashing.

Beyond QMK, Matrix can also be used to deploy Ducky Scripts similar to a USB Rubber Ducky device. Whilst we often think of Ducky Scripts being deployed in security or pen-testing environments, the Matrix product page suggests that this function may well be very useful for other automated tasks such as mass Chromebook enrolment.

Everything seems well thought out and well realised making the Matrix a premium product that would fit perfectly on any desk!


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