Tindie Blog | DSTIKE White Ducky, Bad USB!

You may recognise the name DSTIKE from their popular range of Deauther tools and so seeing a new DSTIKE product pop up will always grab our attention. The DSTIKE WHITE DUCKY is a new product which is DSTIKE’s take on a USB Rubber Ducky.

For the uninitiated, the original Rubber Ducky is a project from the HAK5 community where a seemingly innocuous USB device can automatically set itself up as a keyboard and then type scripts to deploy a payload onto a target computer. Obviously, it goes without saying you should only be using these devices on either devices you own or devices you have clear consent to run these kinds of experiments on. This device runs standard Ducky Script which you can learn about and find lots of examples on in the repository. The DSTIKE WHITE DUCKY comes with a pre-configured TF card inside and you can store up to 64 scripts on the device. To select a script to deploy the device has a 6-way DIP switch which you can use to create a binary value between 0 and 63 to select which script is deployed.

It’s supplied fully assembled with a white plastic clip-on case. The device has an LED indicator on board which simply lights green when the TF card is inserted properly and is working or red to indicate there is a problem. The device is supplied with the source code on the TF card and, if you like, the entire board can also be used as an Arduino Leonardo.

Whilst there isn’t much documentation for this device, it isn’t really needed. There is a heap of info online about Ducky Script so you should find lots of interesting and useful experiments to run using this bad USB!

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